Turf Marking

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Tuesday, July 27, 2004

There hasn't been that much to report, really except for the slow progress of chores that need doing and my routine of getting up, getting online to chat with E in China, putzing about and sitting at the coffee shop to kill time before work. There have been occassional life happenings, though...

To the makers of the dropper.inor virus -- screw you, you didn't get me! Nice try.

Dug up an old friend online. Haven't seen her in ages... maybe one day when (if) I can ever show my face in Clevesburg again, I can look her up.

Looking forward to when/if MMAC starts up Club hours this second summer session. My clothes might still fit right, but I just feel flabby.

Last movie rewatched: Drunken Master -- the 1978 one. There are a million and one reasons to love this movie. If I had to pick one, it'd be main villain Thunderleg's description of his Kung Fu style:
You see? Thirty percent hands, seventy percent feet.
Oh, so you're using Tae Kwon Do? Well, IMDB does list a Korean-type name for the actor.

The latest issue of Black Belt Magazine had a short article about drunken fist. Very interesting. Looks like the idea of "Drunken T'ai Chi" isn't BS after all, like E said. What, just because it was the title of a Donnie Yen movie, the idea loses all credibility? :)

One correction on my comments regarding Fahrenheit 9/11. I do recall another "traditional" Michael Moore style gag aside from asking Congressmen to enlist their kids. It was cool to watch him ride around in that ice cream truck and read the Patriot Act over the loudspeaker.